Chelmsford Cathedral in the city of Chelmsford, Essex, United Kingdom — Ugly And Traveling

Ugly And Traveling
4 min readJul 19, 2022


Chelmsford Cathedral stands at the heart of the Chelmsford city but as you enter the building, you notice immediately a sense of peace amidst the bustle of city life.

History of Chelmsford Cathedral

The church of St Mary the Virgin in Chelmsford was probably first built along with the town eight hundred years ago. It was rebuilt in the 15th and early 16th centuries, with walls of flint rubble, stone and brick. There is also a tower and spire with a ring of thirteen bells, 12 of which were cast by John Warner and Sons at Cripplegate.

In 1983, the interior of the cathedral was extensively refurbished, with a new floor, seating, altar, bishop’s throne, font and artwork. In 1994 and 1995 two pipe organs were installed, the first in the nave and the second in the chancel. The stained-glass windows were all installed in the 19th and 20th centuries.

The site has been rebuilt and extended several times over the centuries, showcasing medieval and Victorian architecture, with rumours that the tower even has Roman stones in the infrastructure.

It was originally a church

The church of St Mary the Virgin actually became a cathedral in 1914, more than 100 years ago, for the newly created diocese of Chelmsford. The church was first built in the 14th century, and at the time was the county town church of east London and Essex.

Chelmsford Cathedral Space

Chelmsford Cathedral is used for a variety of events; concerts, education days, exhibitions, talks and formal dinners all take place in the nave and this contributes to the Cathedral’s mission to be a public space as well as a place of worship. There are many free concerts and exhibitions running throughout the year.

Beautiful cathedral inside and out and grass area kept neat and tidy. Love the interior of the cathedral has been kept in beautiful condition. Chelmsford cathedral has a lovely quiet gardens to walk around or sit on benches and relax as children are wandering around and playing in the grass.

Chelmsford Cathedral Location

This beautiful and historical Cathedral is a few yards away from the busy High Street of Chelmsford. You will find this beautiful building which is full of interesting artifacts, memorials & other documents & items which relate to Chelmsford & the surrounding area, well worth a visit.

Chelmsford Cathedral Entry Fees

Great location & absolutely stunning! To enter Chelmsford Cathedral, there is no entry charge at all.
You can visit this beautiful infrastructure and the Cathedral is open every day and is free to visit.

Surprising Facts About Chelmsford Cathedral

You may not have known that the war memorials hanging from the roof of the cathedral are not allowed to be cleaned or refurbished. They are supposed to rot away from the church’s atmosphere. The head vicar said: “The war memorials are hung in churches and they rot, but that is normal, that’s their job. They are meant to be hung until they die away, at St Paul’s some are just hanging thread.”

The statue of a Jewish mother cradling her dead child can’t be moved.

Inside the left hand chapel at the back of the cathedral stands a statue of a Jewish mother, who is holding her dead child on her lap. It can’t be moved as it is fixed to the floor tiles and sits in the centre of the chapel. It tells the story of the holocaust, and the Dean feels it is one of the strongest pieces of art in the building. He added: “The look in her eyes as she looks me right in the face, she doesn’t ask for pity or anything, she is telling me to ‘look at this’ — at her dead child.”

My thoughts about Chelmsford Cathedral

If you are visiting Chelmsford, then one place not to miss, the cities beautiful cathedral. The Chelmsford Cathedral is a stunning building with very fine architecture. This cathedral is more than just a place of religious worship, it is a historical site and well worth a visit for anyone who happens to be in the vicinity of Essex.

Watch Chelmsford Cathedral in 4K.

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Originally published at on July 19, 2022.



Ugly And Traveling

Traveling with the green ( 🇵🇰 ) passport 🤷 Take only memories✈️leave only footprints👣